VHE - Association of Hamburg Exporters Association for Export-, Transit- and Compensation business
Objectives of association
VHE, founded in 1903, is the association for the export interests of Hamburg’s foreign trade companies. The purpose of the association is to protect and promote the common professional interests of its members within the framework of the overall economy.
The specialised Hamburg trading houses are active worldwide with a focus on emerging and developing countries. The combination of extensive country knowledge and a high degree of specialisation in individual product areas enables them to operate successfully, especially in difficult markets. This makes them a valuable and indispensable partner, especially for German and European industry. The export trader takes on a variety of functions such as market cultivation in the country of purchase and sale, market development and market analysis, purchasing, sales, logistics with storage and shipping, financing, but also functions such as quality assurance or product registration, product training and after-sales-service.
Key activities
The VHE deals with all areas of export policy, in particular
- Export financing
- Export credit insurance
- Foreign trade law, especially export control law
- Compliance
- Sustainability
- Foreign trade promotion, mainly export promotion
Phone: +49 40 236016-16
Fax: +49 40 236016-10
Email: vhe@wga-hh.de